The boxes below have links to many articles about volcanoes! Once you follow the link, you will also need to select an article. Remember that you can also use the search box in each database to search more narrowly!
Mayon volcano. Britannica School Encyclopedia Britannica, 8 Feb. 2020. Accessed 31 Mar. 2020.
The Smithsonian is more than just a handful of great museums. It is also a research institution with lots of information available for students. Follow this link to learn more about volcanoes!
Click the image above to go to lots of articles about volcanoes!
This LINK will take you to a general overview of volcanoes.
Check out this list of famous volcanoes! Follow the links to find out more! has some great articles about volcanos!
Click here to learn about Volcanoes. Britannica has a lot of really good background information and even gives you citations! To get to the citations, click on the little checkbox on the top right of the Britannica page.
Check out this article about the 11 biggest eruptions in HISTORY
This article includes a list of active volcanos from A-Z. You can click each volcano for information and images.
Volcano World from Oregon State University shares the latest information from volcano researchers in the field!
Fact Monster has easy to read articles and lots of information on Volcanoes.
The United States Geologic Service is a part of the US government that does research (and a lot of other stuff too!). They have a whole page dedicated to the risks presented by volcanoes, see it here!