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Research / Resources and Citations: NoodleTools

Noodletools image and hyperlink

Use NoodleTools to organize your research, save your sources and take notes. Remember that Dr. Waugh can help you with NoodleTools if you need it. Click login, then use your SAES email and click "login with Google." This guide also contains a tab on tips for using NoodleTools effectively.

Copying and Pasting Citations

Remember, you don't need to retype the citations! You can use the "quick citation" to have Noodletools make your citation for you. Major caveat: If you copy and paste your citation Noodletools WILL NOT generate a footnote for you. 

  1. Use a research database or Google Scholar to generate your citation.
  2. Then go to Noodletools and click create a new citation.
  3. Next select the kind of citations (e.g. Newspaper, Book, etc.).
  4. Use the link to "copy and paste a citation" and insert your copied citation. 
  5. Click Save and Noodletools will create the citation for you.


Tips and Tricks

NoodleTools - Logging in and New Projects

NoodleTools - Making a Source

NoodleTools - Making Notecards

NoodleTools - Organizing Notecards

NoodleTools - Footnotes

NoodleTools - Exporting your Bibliography

Importing a Reference from Gale or JSTOR